Let’s Talk About Mental Health

Hi! Let’s destigmatize Mental Health! We can and should talk about mental health, so that together we can create more empathetic and compassionate communities. Below are some resources to organizations I believe in and support! This list is not all encompasing though, so I do encourage you do do further research. The Hope Compass from Hope For the Day is a great place to start - you can search by any US zip code to see all of the social services available in your area, and search according to your needs and budget.

  • Mental Health First Aid is an organization that offers training courses to anyone who wants to learn to become a more proactive member of their community when it comes to mental health. In addition to these courses, they encourage people to become MHFA instructors so they can teach this to their communities.

    “Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.” - Mental Health First Aid

    Get Trained In Mental Health First Aid


    Hope For The Day is an organization that centers around proactive suicide prevention through its educational trainings and programs, and active outreach at public events.

    “On average, 132 people complete suicide in a day in the United States, totaling over 48,180 completions each year. When looking at it globally, that number climbs to over 800,000 completions each year, with more going unreported due to stigma. Every 40 seconds, someone completes suicide.” - from Hope For The Day

    Check out their educational series: The Things We Don’t Say

  • Everyone’s journey to and through therapy is going to look different. Here’s some sites that help you sift through your search, and hopefully make it a little bit easier.

    Inclusive Therapists

    Therapy for Latinx

    National Queer + Trans Therapists of Color Network

    Latinx Therapy Directory

  • Hope For The Day focuses on Mental Health Education and Proactive Suicide Prevention! They do this through raising visibility on mental health, leading educations on mental health for the community, for the work place, and for schools, and by connecting people to additional resources at various music festivals, conferences, and events.

    Get Educated



  • The Latinx and BIPOC experience is undeniably unique, and it’s important to find resources that can tailor to your needs. Here are some sites to resources and therapy.

    Therapy for Latinx

    Immigrants Rising

    First Gen Therapy (Mara from @thelatina_therapist.lcsw on tiktok) ((CALIFORNIA ONLY))

    Latinx Therapy Directory

  • The LGBTQ+ experience is undeniably unique. Here are some resources.

    The National Queer + Trans Therapists of Color Network

    The Trevor Project

    For LGBT+ Youth


    For LGBT+ Elders

  • Backline is an organization that focuses on bringing mental health resources specifically those who work within the music industry. If you are an artist, a manager, on tour/on the road, a producer, or anyone who works within the music industry, Backline may be a great resource.

    They offer assistance on a case-by-case basis to help you find a therapist, as well as community support groups.

    Further, Backline offers ways you as an artist can get involved, even if you aren’t directly using their services.

    Learn more about Backline

  • If you are at the age where you no longer qualify for your parents insurance, and don’t have a job that provide health insurance, Medicare is something that could be really helpful. (US only)

    Learn more about Medicare and Apply

  • Want to get involved in helping these organizations keep going? Here are links to their support pages.

    Mental Health First Aid

    Hope For The Day
